Fink Developer Map
Ever wonder where some of the contributors to Fink live? Even if you have not, you are in the right place to find that information.
Each person on the map has a number. Look on the list, then on the map to find out where each person lives. The name in quotes is the nick used on #fink at

Number | Name | Location |
1 | Benn 'newmanbe' Newman | |
2 | Daniel 'dmacks' Macks | |
3 | David R. 'drm' Morrison | |
4 | Benjamin 'RangerRick' Reed | |
5 | Chris 'cirdan' Zubryzcki | |
6 | David 'dmalloc' Höhn | |
7 | Justin 'TheSin' Hallett | Thorsby, Alberta, Canada |
8 | Peter 'pogma' O'Gorman | Hyogo, Japan |
9 | Martin Costabel | |
10 | Baba 'baba' Yoshihiko | Kyoto, Japan |
11 | Aida 'aida' Shinra | Tokyo, Japan |
12 | Asari 'asari' Takashi | Tokyo, Japan |
13 | Motoi 'wm3' Washida | Tokyo, Japan |
14 | Dave 'vasi' Vasilevsky | Montréal, Canada |
15 | Alexander 'astrange' Strange | |
16 | Alexander 'akh' Hansen | |
17 | Ben 'Clef' Hines | |
18 | Chris 'zizban' Turkel | Cheshire, Massachusetts, United States of America |
Think you should be on the map? E-mail Benn Newman using the following format:
longitude latitude "First name '#fink nick' Last name"#what you do for fink(developer, maintainer)
To fit on the map, you may have to be combined with near-by people. Your actual coordinates will still be recorded.