Security Policy - 5. Sending notifications
Some users might choose not to update their software too frequently. To ensure that those who install their packages from source are using updated packages which have been reported to have security issues as soon as possible, a maintainer may call for a notification to be sent to the Fink announcement list.
5.1 Who may send them?
These announcements may only be sent by the Fink Security Team. Most announcement will be sent from [email protected] signed by the PGP key with the fingerprint:
- FD77 F0B7 5C65 F546 EB08 A4EC 3CCA 1A32 7E24 291E.
- Found at
The above is intentionally not marked as a link.
Other authorised Team members are: (here you add your email + public key like I did above)
[email protected] signed by the PGP key with the fingerprint:
- 4D67 1997 DD32 AE8E D7ED 9C79 8491 2AB7 DF3B 6004.
- Found at
[email protected] signed by the PGP key with the fingerprint:
- 6401 D02A A35F 55E9 D7DD 71C5 52EF A366 D3F6 65FE.
- Found at
5.2 How to submit
To ensure that a common look for security notifications is met, all security notices must follow the following common template.
ID: FINK-YYYY-MMDD-NN Reported: YYYY-MM-DD Updated: YYYY-MM-DD Package: package-name Affected: <= versionid Maintainer: maintainer-name Tree(s): 10.3/stable, 10.3/unstable, 10.2-gcc3.3/stable,10.2-gcc3.3/unstable Mac OS X version: 10.3, 10.2 Fix: patch|upstream Updated by: maintainer|forced update (Email) Description: A short description describing the issue. References: KEYWORD (see above) Ref-URL: URL
A sample report could look somewhat like this:
ID: FINK-2004-06-01 Reported: 2004-06-09 Updated: 2004-06-09 Package: cvs Affected: <= 1.11.16, <= 1.12.8 Maintainer: Sylvain Cuaz Tree(s): 10.3/stable, 10.3/unstable, 10.2-gcc3.3/stable,10.2-gcc3.3/unstable Mac OS X version: 10.3, 10.2 Fix: upstream Updated by: forced update ([email protected]) Description: Multiple vulnerabilities in CVS found by Ematters Security. References: BID Ref-URL: References: CVE Ref-URL: References: CVE Ref-URL: References: CVE Ref-URL: References: CVE Ref-URL: References: FULLDISCURL Ref-URL: References: MISC Ref-URL:
Please note that the Affected keyword refers to all vulnerable software versions not only those that might be packaged for Fink. The sample report shows this clearly.